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Principal Staff

in About Us
Tetyana Petrovna Shotka, head physician

Head physician of the "Alergolog" clinic. Allergist-pulmonologist of the highest category. Member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and member of the Association of Pediatric Allergists of Ukraine. Experience of practical activity: 25 years. Specialization in clinical immunology, allergology and pulmonology. Has a number of scientific works and patents on early diagnosis of bronchial asthma in children. Author of scientific and journalistic articles, methodical recommendations, participant of scientific conferences, congresses, symposiums.

Maryna Vasylivna Borysiuk, candidate of medical sciences, allergist, director of the "Alergolog" center.

Director of the "Alergolog" clinic. Pediatric-allergist doctor. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Teacher of the Department of Pediatrics of the Institute of Postgraduate Education. Lecturer at scientific conferences and symposia. Experience in medical activity - 20 years. The author of articles on diabetes, protease activity, functional methods of research in bronchial asthma, ACIT therapy. She is engaged in prescribing ASIT therapy for children and adults.


Tetyana Dmitrivna Vasylenko, medical director

Experienced manager with medical education. He is engaged in the organization and correct work of all departments of the center, and the selection of personnel. Manages the Department of Laboratory Diagnostics. Positively solves all difficult issues. If you are dissatisfied with something, or on the contrary, want to express your wishes to us - Tatyana Dmitrivna is always happy to listen to you.


Yulia Petrivna Kosovan, allergist, leading specialist

Leading allergist of the clinic specializing in atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, hay fever, food and household allergy problems. Conducts treatments for respiratory tract diseases of allergic origin. A high-level specialist with a certificate in pediatric allergology.


Halyna Andriivna Haiduchyk. Allergist, pediatrician, doctor of medical sciences

Senior researcher of the department of nutritional problems and somatic diseases of young children of "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O.M. Lukyanova National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine",  consultant of the clinic. Practical work experience - 20 years. Has modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of food allergy, allergic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Author of more than 40 publications. The priority in the work is the identification of the causes of the disease, a personalized approach to treatment. The scientific direction is diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in young children.

Olena Yuriivna Stroganova, allergist-immunologist, leading specialist

Member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. She has experience working in public and private medical institutions. Correspondence graduate student of the Department of Immunology. Experienced, qualified doctor. Participant of Ukrainian and international symposia and conferences. Under her guidance, methods of emergency care for patients with acute urticaria, Quincke's edema, severe hay fever and allergy were developed. The scientific work is devoted to the problems of immunodeficiency states.

Svitlana Mykolaivna Zinich, allergist, pediatrician, doctor of the highest category

Pediatric allergist, 25 years of practical experience. Chief regional specialist in children's allergology. Member of the Association of Children's Allergists of Ukraine. Priority areas of practical activity: diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases in children from birth to 18 years of age. Peculiarities in the work are the desire for early detection and achieving full control over the disease.


Larisa Vasylivna Zamkova, allergist-pulmonologist, pediatrician, doctor of the highest category.

Experienced allergist, 30 years of practical experience. Member of the Association of Children's Allergists of Ukraine. She specializes in the problems of allergic spastic conditions of the upper respiratory tract, bronchospasms of various etiologies, asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Specialist in respiratory gymnastics according to the Frolov method. She is well versed in the methods of developing rational nutrition for atopic dermatitis and food intolerance. Participant of international symposia on the problems of bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, pollinosis.


Котова Тетяна Миколаївна, лікар ендокринолог, дитячий ендокринолог, лікар вищої категорії.

25 років праці з багатьма пацієнтами. Лікування діабету, захворювання щитоподібної залози, ожиріння, проблеми росту та статевого розвитку, акне, наднирників, дефіцитних станів


Leading nutritionist of Ukraine. Specialization: dietetics and gastroenterology. Professional interests: sports nutrition, gastroenterology, functional medicine, antiaging nutrition, anti-age medicine, children's nutrition, epigenetics, treatment of metabolic syndrome, dietary treatment of diabetes patients, treatment of obesity, correction of excess body weight and body weight deficit, dietary support of pregnant women , drawing up individual diets for patients with various diseases.
Olena Dmitrivna Nazarenko, pediatric allergist of the highest category

Experience of practical activity: 30 years. Member of the Association of Allergists of Ukraine. For more than 20 years, she worked at the Kyiv City Children's Allergy Center, of which almost 14 years as the head. He is a co-author of scientific articles. Works with various manifestations of children's allergy pathology. The priority in the work is the establishment of compliance between the sick child, parents and the doctor, informing the parents about the purpose of the treatment and the means that are planned to be used by the doctor in the course of therapy. She conducts medical appointments at Chornovola Street, 25.


Шокіна Тетяна Павлівна, лікар гастроентеролог, дієтолог, нутріцволог

Як лікар дієтолог, гастроентеролог і ультразвуковий діагност, я пропоную комплексний підхід до вирішення проблем з вагою, здоров'ям та харчуванням. Маю вищу медичну освіту та спеціалізацію в гастроентерології. Допомагаю пацієнтам з проблемами травлення (гастрити, виразки, синдром подразненого кишечника) через правильне харчування та медикаментозне лікування. Мій підхід завжди індивідуальний: я складаю плани харчування для зниження ваги, набору маси тіла, а також для підтримки здоров'я травної системи. Ультразвукове дослідження використовую для точного діагностування захворювань органів шлунково-кишкового тракту.

Iryna Mykolaivna Nakonechna, senior administrator

Orderliness in the clinic, organization of medical appointments, work with regular clients - this is only a small part of the tasks that our senior administrator performs perfectly.


Pogranichnyi Ihor Volodymyrovych, head of the laboratory

A diagnostician with many years of experience. Has a number of diplomas of international level. Participant of international symposia and conferences. It has its own methods for diagnosing a number of diseases. Possesses the most up-to-date knowledge in the field of diagnostic research.


Zinenko Lesya Ivanivna, manipulation nurse

Excellent skills of intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, as well as the most modern methods of taking capillary blood; quickly and professionally takes material for laboratory studies, administers SIT therapy injections.


Ilnytska Svitlana Vasylivna, otorhinolaryngologist

Doctor of the highest category, work experience of more than 20 years. Specializes in the treatment of otitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngeal lymphatic ring problems, and problems related to conductive deafness. Participant of scientific conferences, congresses, symposiums.


Iryna Anatolyivna Zrazhevska, cardiologist

Leading specialist in cardiology and rheumatology. Work experience - 12 years in the field of pediatric cardiology. Excellent command of instrumental diagnostic methods. Has a number of scientific articles, together with the department of cardiology of the Bogomolets Institute of Physiology , conducts a number of scientific experiments on cardiogenetics.


Lyudmila Hryhorivna Matyushko, cardiologist

Doctor of the highest category, 41 years of work experience. Has a number of scientific works jointly with the Department of Surgery of the Heart and Main Vessels of the Amosov Institute. Deals with problems of congenital and acquired heart defects. As well as issues of diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, cardiomyopathies and other cardiovascular diseases.


Slupska Yaroslava Yuliivna, pediatric neurologist

Experienced neurologist. Has a higher qualification category. Conducts practical activities since 1995. Excellent diagnostician. Member of the city society of neurologists. Has a number of diplomas of international level. Specialist in the rehabilitation of children with disabilities.


Iryna Mykhaylivna Skarbovchuk, gastroenterologist

Consulting specialist of our center. Practical activity since 1985. Has a higher qualification category. A wonderful specialist. Has a number of scientific works and articles on the problems of children's gastroenterology.