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Monoallergens (separately)

in Allergo panels

If you want to do the test for only one or several allergens, we offer a list of Allergens Individually. This list contains about 500 allergens, and you will definitely be able to find one that was recommended by a doctor or that you want to check yourself.

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Monoallergens (separately)
f33 Orangef111 Raspberryf288 bilberry
f44 Strawberryf112 Raisinf289 Date
f49 Applef145 Figf293 Papaya
f73 Merryf183 Blueberryf294 Passion fruit
f84 Kiwif208 Lemonf295 Pomegranate
f87 Melonf209 Grapefruitf301 Persimmon
f91 Mangof210 Pineapplef302 Tangerine
f92 Bananaf211 Blackberryf321 Blackcurrant
f94 Pearf237 Apricotf322 Red currant
f95 Peachf239 Watermelonf327 Gooseberry
f106 Apricotf242 Cherryf341 Cranberry
f108 Sea buckthornf255 Plumf343 Nectarine
f96 Avocadof109 Rowanf348 Lychee
f259 Grapes
f03 Codf185 Breamf304 Achelata
f21 Herringf204 Troutf307 Hake
f23 Crabf206 Mackerelf308 Sardines
f24 Shrimpf207 Sea molluskf313 Engraulis
f37 Musselsf248 Sairaf323 Salmon roe
f40 Tunaf249 Seidf354 Tilapia
f41 Salmonf254 European plaicef355 Gilt-head bream
f42 Haddockf258 Squidf356 Toothfish
f62 Pollockf264 Eel f358 Sturgeon
f80 Lobsterf290 Oysterf360 Rockfish
f163 Pikef303 Halibutf364 Chum salmon
f180 Carpf415 Zander
f10 Sesamef15 White beansf287 Red beans
f12 Peasf98 Flax seedsf309 Chickpeas
f14 Soybeans f384 Sunflower seeds
f13 Peanutf36 Coconutf253 Pine nuts
f17 Hazelnutf201 Pecan nutf256 Walnut
f18 Brazil nutf202 Cashew nutf299 Sweet chestnut
f20 Almondf203 Pistachiosf345 Macadamia nut
f25 Tomatoesf171 Arugulaf229 Turnip
f31 Carrotf172 Artichoke f244 Cucumber
f35 Potatoesf214 Spinachf257 Iceberg salad
f48 Onionf215 Lettucef260 Broccoli
f66 Leeksf216 White cabbagef261 Asparagus
f103 Jerusalem artichokef217 Brussels sproutsf262 Eggplant
f113 Zucchinif223 Rhubarb f263 Green pepper
f115 Sauerkrautf225 Pumpkinf291 Cauliflower
f116 Red cabbagef226 Radishf316 Sorrel
f170 Kohlrabif227 Red radishf319 Beetroot
f228 Peking cabbagef342 Olives
f04 Wheatf08 Cornf146 Semolina
f05 Ryef09 Ricef190 Wheat bran
f06 Barleyf11 Buckwheatf235 Lentils
f07 Oatsf55 Milletf238 Potato flour (starch)
f124 Spelled wheat
f26 Pork f83 Chickenf192 Quail
f27 Beeff88 Mutton\lambf213 Rabbit
f57 Duck (meat)f165 Vealf241 Beef liver
f58 Goose meatf184 Horse meatf284 Turkey
f01 Egg white, albumin f68 Ovomucoid f193 Quail eggs
f67 Ovalbumin f75 Egg yolkf245 Chicken egg
f199 Chanterellesf200 White mushroom f212 Boletus mushrooms
e204 Bovine serum albuminf150 Edam cheesef198 Gouda cheese
f02 Cow's milk f151 Camembert cheesef205 Goat cheese
f63 Kefirf152 Roquefort cheesef231 Cow's milk (boiled)
f70 Swiss cheese f158 Bryndzaf232 Sour milk cheese (cottage cheese)
f76 Alpha-lactalbuminf159 Ryazhankaf250 Yogurt
f77 Beta-lactoglobulinf160 Sour creamf252 Mozzarella cheese
f78 Caseinf168 Milk powderf300 Goat milk
f81 Cheddar cheesef325 Sheep cheese
f47 Garlicf268 Clovesf279 Chili pepper
f85 Celeryf269 Basilf280 Black pepper
f86 Parsleyf270 Gingerf281 Curry
f89 Mustardf271 Anisef282 Nutmeg
f102 Horseradishf272 Tarragonf285 Melissa
f220 Cinnamonf274 Marjoramf317 Corianderр
f234 Vanillaf275 Bay leaff334 Oregano
f265 Thymef276 Fennelf335 Rosemary
f267 Cardamom f277 Dill f344 Sage
f278 Bay leaf
f45 Baker's yeastf126 Mintf224 Poppy
f90 Maltf156 Chicoryf247 Honey
f93 Cocoaf221 Coffeef266 Green tea
f105 Chocolatef222 Black teaf324 Hops
f123 Gelatin (beef)f330 Tea, chamomile
t01 Maplet14 Poplar t41 Taxus
t02 Alder t15 Asht42 Larch (Larix decidua)
t03 Bircht16 Pinet43 Thuja
t04 Hazel t18 Eucalyptust45 Rowan
t05 Beecht19 Acaciat70 Mulberry
t06 Juniperust20 Mesquite tree t115 White acacia
t07 Oakt24 Commont116 Privet
t08 Elmt31 Cherryt203 Aesculus
t09 Olivet32 Oranget205 Elderberry
t10 Walnutt33 Plumt208 Linden
t11 Sycamoret35 Peach t209 Hornbeam
t12 Willow t36 Pear t214 Palm
t13 Jasminet38 bird cherryt223 Cypress
g01 Sweet vernal grass g08 Kentucky bluegrass g17 dallisgrass
g02 Scutch grassg09 Agrostis stoloniferag21 Elytrigia
g03 Cat grass g10 Sorghum g70 Leymus
g04 meadow fescueg12 Sowing ryeg71 Phalaris arundinacea
g05 Perennial ryegrassg13 Velvet grass p200 Bulrush
g06 Timothyg14 Sown oatsg201 Barley
g07 Reedg15 Seed wheat g202 Maize
g16 Meadow Foxtail
p01 Ascaris spp.a07 Staphylococcus aureusa71 Termoactinomyces dichotomicus
a51 Micropolyspora taenia76 Streptococcus viridansa72 Termoactinomyces sacchari
a65 Saccharopolyspora rectivirgulaa68 Streptomyces albusa70 Termoactinomyces vulgaris
d70 Acarus sirod01 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinusd73 Glycyphagus domesticos
d02 Dermatophagoides farinaed74 Euroglyphus mayneid71 Lepidoglyphus destructor
d03 Dermatophagoides microcerasd72 Tyrophagus putrescentiae
m06 Alternaria tenuis/alternatam32 Cladosporium cladosporioidesm27 Penicillium commune
m40 Aspergillus amstelodamim17 Cladosporium fulvumm28 Penicillium expansum
m228 Aspergillus flavusm02 Cladosporium herbarumm62 Penicillium frequentans
m03 Aspergillus fumigatusm16 Curvularia lunatam63 Penicillium glaucum
m50 Aspergillus glaucusm18 Fusarium culmorumm01 Penicillium notatum
m49 Aspergillus nidulansm09 Fusarium moniliformem30 Penicillium roqueforti
m33 Aspergillus niger (чорна цвіль)m08 Helminthosporium halodesm31 Penicillium viridicatum
m48 Aspergillus oryzaem20 Mucor mucedom13 Phoma betae
m29 Aspergillus repensm04 Mucor racemosusm11 Rhizopus nigricans
m36 Aspergillus terreusm22 Mucor spinosusm43 Saccharomyces carlsbergensis
m19 Aspergillus versicolorm23 Neurospora sitophilam46 Saccharomyces cer. Ellipsoides
m12 Aureobasidium pullulansm24 Paecilomyces marquandiim44 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
m07 Botrytis cineream25 Penicillium brevicompactumm65 Sporobolomyces roseus
m05 Candida albicansm61 Penicillium camembertiim10 Stemphylium botryosum
m41 Cephalosporium acremoniumm54 Penicillium chrysogenumm15 Trichoderma viride
m45 Chaetomium globosumm228 Aspergillus flavusm205 Trichophyton rubrum
w01 Common ragweed w16 Elderberryw35 Geranium
w02 ragweed (Ambrosia perennial)w17 Bassia scopariaw36 Primrose
w03 ragweed (Ambrosia three-lobed)w18 Sorrel w37 Cosmos
w05 Wormwood (Artemisia pontica)w19 Wormwoodw38 Coltsfoot
w06 Common wormwood w20 Nettle w39 Peony
w08 Dandelionw21 Wallwortw44 Lily
w09 Plantago w23 Dahliaw45 Medick
w11 Kalidiumw24 Asterw54 Lavender
w12 European goldenrodw28 Rosew55 Lily of the valley
w13 common cockleburw30 Tulipw203 Rapeseed
w14 amaranthsw32 White sweetcloverw204 Sunflower
w15 Goosefootsw34 Cloverw206 Chamomile
e01 Cat (epithelium, fur)e70 Goose (feather) e87 Rat (epithelium, fur)
e03 Horse (epithelium) e71 Mouse (epithelium, fur)e89 Mouse (litter)
e04 Cow (serum)e72 Mouse (urine)e90 Rat (droppings)
e05 Dog (epithelium, fur) e74 Rat (urine) e93 Parakeet (feather)
e06 Guinea pig (epithelium, fur) e75 Rat (serum)
e07 Pigeon (droppings)e76 Mouse (serum) e103 common wild pig (epithelium, fur)
e08 European mink (skin)e77 Budgerigar (litter) e104 Myna (feather)
e09 Canary (litter)e78 Budgerigar (feather) e108 Duck (serum)
e12 Dog (serum) e79 Budgerigar (serum)e109 Guinea pig (litter)
e09 Canary (litter) e80 Goat (epithelium, fur)e110 Guinea pig (serum)
e15 Chicken (serum)e81 Sheep (epithelium, wool) e201 Canary (feather)
e16 Pigeon (serum) e82 Rabbit (epithelium, fur) e208 Chinchilla (epithelium, fur)
e17 Camel (epithelium, fur) e83 Pig (epithelium, fur) e214 Common chaffinch (feather)
e41 Cow (epithelium, fur) e84 Hamster (epithelium, fur) e215 Pigeon (feather)
e55 Dog (litter) e85 Chicken (feather) e218 Chicken (litter)
e86 Duck (feather)
i01 Honey bee poisoni66 Cat fleai73 Red mosquito
i03 Wasp poisoni69 Red anti75 Hornet poison
i06 German cockroachi71 Mosquitoi204 Horse-fly
i15 House flyk203 Honey bee phospholipase A
h0 House dust (mite, fungal, epithelial elements) h03 Library dust o208 Fish feed (dry)

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