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Map of food allergens of 126 products

in Allergo panels
The food panel is a comprehensive study on food allergies.
Our clinic conducts one-time research on the largest range of products - 126! Such a large number of allergens in one study and the small amount of blood required make this analysis a unique tool for allergy diagnosis from early childhood. We would like to emphasize that this examination is recommended starting from childhood. Modern laboratory equipment allows us to work with microtechnology, so for the diagnosis of allergies in children (and in adults who are afraid to donate blood from a vein), we take tests from a finger. There are no more similar studies anywhere in Kyiv.

The full list of products in this panel is presented below.

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Map of food allergens.
f01 Chicken egg proteinf85 Celeryf238 Potato flour (starch)
f02 Cow's milkf86 Parsleyf242 Cherry
f03 Сodfishf87 Melonf244 Cucumber
f04 Wheat flour f88 Lambf247 Honey
f05 Rye flourf91 Mangof250 Yogurt
f06 Barley groats f92 Bananaf252 Mozzarella cheese
f07 Oat groatsf93 Cocoaf254 Flatfish
f08 Cornf94 Pearf255 Plum
f09 Ricef95 Peachf256 Walnut
f10 Sesamef96 Avocadof258 Squid
f11 Buckwheat groatsf102 Horseradish f259 Grapes
f12 Peasf105 Chocolatef260 Broccoli
f13 Peanutf106 Cherry plumf261 Asparagus
f14 Soyf108 Sea buckthorn f262 Eggplant
f15 Beansf109 Rowanf266 Green tea
f17 Hazelnutf111 Raspberryf270 Ginger
f20 Almondf113 Zucchinif279 Chili pepper
f23 Crab meatf121 Cane sugarf280 Black pepper
f24 Shrimp f146 Semolinaf282 Dates
f25 Tomatoesf155 Chicoryf284 Turkey
f26 Porkf158 Cheesef288 Bilberry
f27 Beeff160 Sour creamf290 Oysters
f31 Carrotf180 Carpf291 Cauliflower
f33 Orangef183 Blueberry f295 Pomegranate
f40 Tunaf193 Quail eggsf300 Goat milk
f41 Salmonf204 Trout f302 Tangerine
f44 Strawberryf208 Lemon f303 Halibut
f45 Baker's yeastf209 Grapefruitf305 Pomelo
f47 Garlicf210 Pineapplef306 Lime
f48 Onionf211 Blackberryf307 Hake
f49 Applef212 Mushrooms champignonsf308 Sardines
f55 Milletf213 Rabbitf309 Chickpeas
f57 Duck (meat) f216 Cabbagef319 Beet
f62 Pollackf218 Sweet pepperf321 Blackcurrant
f70 Swiss cheesef221 Coffeef322 Redcurrant
f73 Cherriesf222 Black teaf324 Hops
f75 Chicken egg yolkf224 Poppy (seed)f327 Gooseberry
f77 Beta-lactoglobulin f225 Pumpkinf328 Fig
f78 Casein proteinf232 Sour milk cheese (cottage cheese)f329 Watermelon
f81 Cheddar cheesef234 Vanillaf339 Quince
f83 Chickenf235 Lentils f341 Cranberries
f84 Kiwif237 Apricotf342 Olives

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