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Molecular packages of allergens

in Allergo panels
Molecular diagnosis of allergies is necessary in the most difficult diagnostic cases. These studies allow not only to detect the allergen, but also to show whether there is no cross-reaction between several types of molecules and which allergen is the most "malignant" in this case. These allergens are called "major", they have the greatest diagnostic value.

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Molecular packages of allergens
"Universal" 98 allergens"
(t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, t09 Olive, Ole e1 Olive, Ole e2 Olive, Ole e7 Olive, t11 Platanus, Pla a1 Platanus, Pla a3 Platanus, t23 Cypress, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood, Art v3 Wormwood, w09 Plantago, Pla l1 Plantago, w11 Salsola ( Plumeless thistles), Sal k1 Salsola (Plumeless thistles), w21 Wallwort, Par j2 Wallwort, i06 Red cockroach, i01 Bee venom, i03 Wasp venom, k82 Latex, e01 Epithelium of a cat, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Epithelium of a dog, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Equine epithelium, Equ c1 Horse, m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum, d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinu s, f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme, f02 Cow's milk, Bos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, Bos d5 Beta-Lactoglobulin, Bos d6 Bovine whey albumin, Bos d8 Casein, f03 Cod, Gad c1 Cod, f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soy, Gly m5 Soy, f49 Apple, Mal d1 Apple, Mal d3 Apple, f95 Peach, Pur p3 Peach, f343 Raspberry, f17 Hazelnut, Cor a1 Hazelnut, f85 Celery, Api g1 Celery, Api g4 Celery, f31 Carrot, Dau c1 Carrot, Dau c4 Carrot, f25 Tomato, f92 Banana, f33 Orange, f242 Cherry, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase))
"Asthma rhinitis" 55 allergens
(t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, t09 Olive, Ole e1 Olive, Ole e2 Olive, Ole e7 Olive, t11 Platanus, Pla a1 Platanus, Pla a3 Platanus , t23 Cypress, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood, Art v3 Wormwood, w09 Plantago, Pla l1 Plantago, w11 Salsola ( Plumeless thistles), Sal k1 Salsola (Plumeless thistles), w21 Wallwort, Par j2 Wallwort, i06 Red cockroach, i01 Bee venom, i03 Wasp venom, k82 Latex, e01 Cat epithelium , Fel d1 Cat, e05 Dog epithelium, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Horse epithelium, Equ c1 Horse, m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum, d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase))
(i06 Red cockroach, i01 Bee venom, i03 Wasp venom, k82 Latex, e01 Epithelium of a cat, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Epithelium of a dog, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Epithelium of a horse, Equ c1 Horse, m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum, d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus )
"Pollen of trees, grasses and weeds"
(t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, t09 Olive, Ole e1 Olive, Ole e2 Olive, Ole e7 Olive,t11 Platanus, Pla a1 Platanus, Pla a3 Platanus, t23 Cypress, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood, Art v3 Wormwood, w09 Plantago, Pla l1 Plantago, w11 Salsola ( Plumeless thistles), Sal k1 Salsola (Plumeless thistles), w21 Wallwort, Par j2 Wallwort, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase))
"Early spring mixture"
(t215 rBet v1 Birch major allergen of trees of the beech family, t216 rBet v2 Birch minor allergen of trees of the beech family, t220 rBet v4 Birch minor allergen of trees of the beech family, t3 birch)
"Trees and grasses"
(t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase))
"Timothy, ragweed, wormwood"
(g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood , Art v3 Wormwood, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase))
(g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase))
"Autumn wormwood"
(nArt v1 Wormwood major allergen, nArt v3 LTP Wormwood major allergen, rPhl p7, rPhl p12 minor herb allergen)
"Atopy MIH"
(f67 nGal d2 Ovalbumin, f78 nBos d8 Casein, f4 Wheat, f14 Soy, d1 House dust mite, e1 Cat, e5 Dog)
"Pollinosis MIX"
(t215 rBet v1 PR-10 Birch, g213 rPhl p 1, rPhl p5b Thyme, w01 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, m03 Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, m207 Fungus Aspergillus niger, m02 Fungus Cladosporium herbarum, Mite d01 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, e01 Epidermis of a cat, e05 Epidermis of a dog, m06 Fungus Alternaria alternata)
(w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed)
"Mites" (d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus)
"Mold" (m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum)
(m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata)
"Cat plus Dog"
(e01 Cat epithelium, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Dog epithelium, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog)
"Cat, Dog, Horse"
(e01 Epithelium of a cat, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Epithelium of a dog, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Epithelium of a horse, Equ c1 Horse)
"Cat" (e94 rFel d1, Felis domesticus, e220 nFel d2, Felis domesticus serum albumin, e228 rFel d4, Felis domesticus lipocalin)
"Dog" (e101 rCan f1, e102 rCan f2, e221 nCan f3, serum albumin) 7 working days
"Pre-vaccination" (c74 cow's gelatin, f67 nGal d 2 egg ovalbumin, f45 yeast)
"Food" (f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme, f02 Cow's milk, Bos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, Bos d5 Beta-Lactoglobulin, Bos d6 Bovine serum albumin, Bos d8 Casein, f03 Cod, Gad c1 Cod, f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut , Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya)
"Food Infant" (f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme, f02 Cow's milk, Bos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, Bos d5 Beta- Lactoglobulin, Bos d6 Bovine serum albumin, Bos d8 Casein, f03 Cod, Gad c1 Cod, f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya)
"Vegetarian" (f49 Apple, Mal d1 Apple, Mal d3 Apple, f95 Peach, Pur p3 Peach, f343 Raspberry, f4 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f 98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, f14 Soy, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya, f17 Hazelnut, Cor a1 Hazelnut, f85 Celery, Api g1 Celery, Api g4 Celery, f31 Carrot, Dau c1 Carrot, Dau c4 Carrot, f25 Tomato, f92 Banana, f33 Orange, f242 Cherry, CCD (Bromelain ))
"Vegetables, fruits" (f49 Apple, Mal d1 Apple, Mal d3 Apple, f95 Peach, Pur p3 Peach, f343 Raspberry, f85 Celery, Api g1 Celery, Api g4 Celery, f31 Carrot, Dau c1 Carrot, Dau c4 Carrot , f25 Tomato, f92 Banana, f33 Orange, f242 Cherry, CCD (Bromelain))
"Peanut plus Soya" (f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya)
"Wheat plus Soy" (f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f14 Soy, Gly m4 Soy, Gly m5 Soy)
"Wheat" (f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin)
"Milk extended" (f77 nBos d5 Beta-Lactoglobulin, f76 nBos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, e204 nBos d6 Bovine serum albumin, f78 nBos d8 Casein, f2 Cow's milk)
"Egg" (f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme)
"Allergy to medicines" (tryptase, c74 cow gelatin, k82 latex, c8 chlorhexidine)
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Other molecular studies

Initial tests for allergies

Recombinant food allergens

Recombinant pollen allergens

Recombinant household allergens