in Specialist consultations

We have been working as a specialized medical center since 2007. The main principle of our treatment is evidence-based medicine. Therefore, all our allergists are members of the European and Ukrainian Allergological Associations.
The head doctor of our clinic is one of the best allergists in Ukraine - Tetyana Petrivna Shotka. Patient examination and treatment protocols were developed under her guidance, taking into account modern European standards of allergology.
An allergist's consultation lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour. If you have previous records of specialized doctors or tests that have been done within 3 months, take them with you. Repeated consultation with an allergist is prescribed to correct the prescribed treatment or confirm recovery. Usually, such a consultation is a little shorter and, accordingly, is cheaper.
If you are in another city or another country, our doctors can conduct an online consultation.
Also, the results of the received analyzes passed both in our and in other laboratories can be commented on separately, by telephone.
In our center, everything is done for the convenience of patients: during the consultation, you can undergo examinations that help the doctor make the correct diagnosis: spirogram and FeNO diagnostics - the most modern method of diagnosing possible bronchial asthma.
Also, each patient can immediately pass the tests prescribed by the doctor. We have the most complete and accurate allergen detection panels in Kyiv. In addition, most tests in children are taken from the finger, which does not bring additional stress to the child and parents.
Doctors' consultation is by appointment. You can make an appointment by phone:
+38 095 456 96 99, str. Kharkiv highway, 56
+38 067 951 55 25 str. Chornovola, 25
or on our website by filling out the form:
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