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Recombinant household allergens

in Allergo panels
Molecular diagnosis of allergies is necessary in the most difficult diagnostic cases. These studies allow not only to detect the allergen, but also to show whether there is no cross-reaction between several types of molecules and which allergen is the most "malignant" in this case. These allergens are called "major", they have the greatest diagnostic value.

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Recombinant household allergens (molecules)
m229 rAlt a1 Alternaria alternata
e220 nFel d2 Cat serum albumin
e221 nCan f3 Dog serum albumin
d209 rDer p23 House dust mite D. Pteronyssinus
k203 nApi m1 Bee phospholipase

Other molecular studies

Initial tests for allergies

Molecular packages of allergens

Recombinant food allergens

Recombinant pollen allergens