in Prices
Prices. Consultations of specialists
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Consultation | First | Secondary |
Консультація головного лікаря алерголога-пульмонолога Щотки Т. П. | 1600 грн (60 хвилин) | 1100 грн (40 хвилин, на протязі 30 діб) |
Консультація алерголога дитячого, дорослого: | 850 грн | 650 грн. (на протязі 30 діб) |
Онлайн-консультація головного лікаря алерголога-пульмонолога Щотки Т.П. (можливість проведення первинної онлайн консультації вирішується в індивідуальному порядку) | 1300 грн. | 900 грн |
Онлайн-консультація алерголога. (можливість проведення первинної онлайн консультації вирішується в індивідуальному порядку) | 700 грн | 550 грн |
Consultation of an dermatologist
Consultation | First | Secondary |
Consultation of an dermatologist | 850 UAH | 650 UAH |
Consultation of an otolaryngologist
Consultation | First | Secondary |
Consultation of an otolaryngologist | 800 UAH | 600 UAH |
Consultation of an cardiologist
Consultation | First | Secondary |
Consultation of an cardiologist | 1300 грн | 600 грн (на протязі 30 діб) |
Consultation of an cardiologist + cardiogram | 1300 UAH |
Consultation of an pediatrician
Consultation | First | Secondary |
Consultation of a pediatrician | 800 UAH | 600 UAH |
Consultation of an therapist
Консультація | Первинна | Повторна |
КОНСУЛЬТАЦІЯ ТЕРАПЕВТА | 800 грн | 600 грн |
Prices. Allergodiagnosis
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Map of allergens MIX 112 allergens | 3 working days | 3960 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Map of food allergens 126 products | 3 working days | 3410 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Food panel "Summer" 14 allergens (fruits and berries) | 3 working days | 1 690 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Food panel "Mini" 10 allergens | 3 working days | 1 540 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Allergen panel Respiratory (27 allergens) | 3 working days | 1980 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Complete package "Allergy to a dog" (General Ig E, e05 Dog (epithelium, fur), e12 Dog (serum), e55 Dog (droppings)) | 3 working days | 910 uah |
Complete package "Allergy to guinea pig" (General Ig E, e06 Guinea pig (epithelium, furl), e110 Guinea pig (serum), e109 Guinea pig (droppings)) | 3 working days | 910 UAH |
The complete package "Allergy to mouse" (General Ig E, e71 Mouse (epithelium, fur), e76 Mouse (serum), e72 Mouse (urine), e89 Mouse (droppings)) | 3 working days | 1090 UAH |
Complete package "Allergy to a rat" (General Ig E, e87 Rat (epithelium, fur), e75 Rat (serum), e74 Rat (urine), e90 Rat (droppings)) | 3 working days | 1090 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Package "Atopy" (Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis) Inhalation allergy screening "Phadiatop" 8 allergen components (d1 Dermatophagoides pteronossinus mite, e1 cat, e5 dog, g6 timothy pollen, g12 rye pollen, m2 Cladosporium herbatum, t3 birch pollen, w6 wormwood pollen), "fx 5" food allergy screening (f1 egg white, f2 cow's milk, f3 cod, f4 wheat, f13 peanut, f14 soybean), IgE specific to Malassezia mold, Genetic risk of developing atopic dermatitis and ichthyosis (FLG R501X, FLG 2282delCAGT) by pyrosequencing PyroMark Q24 / Only venous blood / | 6 w/d | 3 490 UAH |
Staphylococcus enterotoxins
Name | Execution time | Price |
m80 Staphylococcal enterotoxin A | 7 working days | 990 UAH |
m81 Staphylococcal enterotoxin B | 7 working days | 990 UAH |
m223 Стафілококовий ентеротоксин C | 7 working days | 990 UAH |
m223 Staphylococcal enterotoxin C | 7 working days | 990 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Allergy to the fungus Malassezia spp. (specific IgE) | 7 working days | 1 030 UAH |
Food allergens. 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Trees, bushes (pollen). 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Herbs, cereals (pollen). 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Parasites, bacteria. 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Dust, mites. 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Fungi (mold), yeast. 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Flowers, plants (pollen). 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Animals 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Insects and poisons. 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Household allergens. 1 allergen | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
p82 lidocaine, IgE | 5 working days | 720 UAH |
p83 novocaine, IgE | 5 working days | 720 UAH |
p88 mepivacaine, IgE | 5 working days | 720 UAH |
c68 ultracaine (articaine), IgE | 5 working days | 720 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Food allergy screening "Phadiatop INFANT" (f1 egg white, f2 cow's milk, f3 cod, f4 wheat, f14 soybeans, f25 tomatoes, f75 egg yolk) | 3 working days | 850 UAH |
Food allergy screening "fx 5" (f1 egg white, f2 cow's milk, f3 cod, f4 wheat, f13 peanut, f14 soybeans) | 3 working days | 910 UAH |
Inhalation allergy screening "Phadiatop" 8 allergenic components (d1 Dermatophagoides pteronossinus mite, e1 cat, e5 dog, g6 timothy pollen, g12 rye pollen, m2 Cladosporium herbatum, t3 birch pollen, w6 wormwood pollen) | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
Inhalation allergy screening "Phadiatop extended" 16 allergenic components (d1 Dermatophagoides pteronossinus mite, d2 Dermatophagoides farinae mite, e1 cat, e2 dog, e3 horse, g2 Bermuda grass pollen, g8 meadow bluegrass pollen, m3 Aspergillus fumigatus, m6 Alternaria alternata, t4 walnut pollen, t9 olive tree pollen, t11 sycamore pollen, w1 ambrosia pollen, w6 wormwood pollen, w9 plantain pollen, w21 hop pollen) | 3 working days | 1 200 UAH |
Children's universal screening complex "Phadiatop INFANT" + "Phadiatop" (f1 egg white, f2 cow's milk, f3 cod, f4 wheat, f14 soybeans, f25 tomatoes, f75 egg yolk, d1 mite Dermatophagoides pteronossinus, e1 cat, e5 dog , g6 timothy pollen, g12 rye pollen, m2 Cladosporium herbatum, t3 birch pollen, w6 wormwood pollen) | 3 working days | 1 700 UAH |
A mixture of mold allergens mm1: m1 Penicillium notatum, m2 Cladosporium herbarum, m3 Aspergillus fumigatus, m4 Mucor racemosus, m6 Alternaria alternata (tenuis) | 3 working days | 710 UAH |
A mixture of fm23 meat allergens: f26 pork, f27 beef, f28 chicken, f284 turkey meat | 3 working days | 710 UAH |
A mixture of fm4 fish allergens: f3 cod, f41 salmon/salmon, f205 herring, f206 mackerel, f254 flounder | 3 working days | 710 UAH |
A mixture of weed allergens wm4: W1 common ragweed, W6 common wormwood, w10 white marigold, w11 potash | 3 working days | 710 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
"Universal" 98 allergens" (t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, t09 Olive, Ole e1 Olive, Ole e2 Olive, Ole e7 Olive, t11 Platanus, Pla a1 Platanus, Pla a3 Platanus, t23 Cypress, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood, Art v3 Wormwood, w09 Plantago, Pla l1 Plantago, w11 Salsola ( Plumeless thistles), Sal k1 Salsola (Plumeless thistles), w21 Wallwort, Par j2 Wallwort, i06 Red cockroach, i01 Bee venom, i03 Wasp venom, k82 Latex, e01 Epithelium of a cat, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Epithelium of a dog, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Equine epithelium, Equ c1 Horse, m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum, d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinu s, f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme, f02 Cow's milk, Bos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, Bos d5 Beta-Lactoglobulin, Bos d6 Bovine whey albumin, Bos d8 Casein, f03 Cod, Gad c1 Cod, f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soy, Gly m5 Soy, f49 Apple, Mal d1 Apple, Mal d3 Apple, f95 Peach, Pur p3 Peach, f343 Raspberry, f17 Hazelnut, Cor a1 Hazelnut, f85 Celery, Api g1 Celery, Api g4 Celery, f31 Carrot, Dau c1 Carrot, Dau c4 Carrot, f25 Tomato, f92 Banana, f33 Orange, f242 Cherry, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase)) | 3 working days | 6 380 UAH. |
"Asthma rhinitis" 55 allergens (t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, t09 Olive, Ole e1 Olive, Ole e2 Olive, Ole e7 Olive, t11 Platanus, Pla a1 Platanus, Pla a3 Platanus , t23 Cypress, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood, Art v3 Wormwood, w09 Plantago, Pla l1 Plantago, w11 Salsola ( Plumeless thistles), Sal k1 Salsola (Plumeless thistles), w21 Wallwort, Par j2 Wallwort, i06 Red cockroach, i01 Bee venom, i03 Wasp venom, k82 Latex, e01 Cat epithelium , Fel d1 Cat, e05 Dog epithelium, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Horse epithelium, Equ c1 Horse, m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum, d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase)) | 3 working days | 3 850 UAH |
"Domestic" (i06 Red cockroach, i01 Bee venom, i03 Wasp venom, k82 Latex, e01 Epithelium of a cat, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Epithelium of a dog, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Epithelium of a horse, Equ c1 Horse, m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum, d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus ) | 3 working days | |
"Pollen of trees, grasses and weeds" (t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, t09 Olive, Ole e1 Olive, Ole e2 Olive, Ole e7 Olive,t11 Platanus, Pla a1 Platanus, Pla a3 Platanus, t23 Cypress, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood, Art v3 Wormwood, w09 Plantago, Pla l1 Plantago, w11 Salsola ( Plumeless thistles), Sal k1 Salsola (Plumeless thistles), w21 Wallwort, Par j2 Wallwort, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase)) | 3 working days | 3 850 UAH |
"Early spring mixture" (t215 rBet v1 Birch major allergen of trees of the beech family, t216 rBet v2 Birch minor allergen of trees of the beech family, t220 rBet v4 Birch minor allergen of trees of the beech family, t3 birch) | 3 working days | 1 930 UAH |
"Trees and grasses" (t03 Birch, Bet v1 Birch, Bet v2 Birch, Bet v4 Birch, g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase)) | 3 working days | 2 630 UAH |
"Timothy, ragweed, wormwood" (g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, Art v1 Wormwood , Art v3 Wormwood, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase)) | 3 working days | 2 630 UAH. |
"Timothy" (g06 Timothy, Phl p1 Timothy, Phl p2 Timothy, Phl p5 Timothy, Phl p6 Timothy, Phl p7 Timothy, Phl p12 Timothy, CCD (Bromelain, Ascorbate oxidase, Horseradish peroxidase)) | 3 working days | 2 200 UAH |
"Autumn wormwood" (nArt v1 Wormwood major allergen, nArt v3 LTP Wormwood major allergen, rPhl p7, rPhl p12 minor herb allergen) | 3 working days | 1 460 UAH |
"Atopy MIH" (f67 nGal d2 Ovalbumin, f78 nBos d8 Casein, f4 Wheat, f14 Soy, d1 House dust mite, e1 Cat, e5 Dog) | 3 working days | 1 580 UAH |
"Pollinosis MIX" (t215 rBet v1 PR-10 Birch, g213 rPhl p 1, rPhl p5b Thyme, w01 Ragweed, w06 Wormwood, m03 Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, m207 Fungus Aspergillus niger, m02 Fungus Cladosporium herbarum, Mite d01 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, e01 Epidermis of a cat, e05 Epidermis of a dog, m06 Fungus Alternaria alternata) | 3 working days | 3 300 UAH. |
"Ragweed" (w01 Ragweed, Amb a1 Ragweed) | 3 working days | 840 UAH |
"Mites" (d70 Acarus siro, d02 Dermatophagoides farinae, d01 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p1 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus, Der p10 Dermatophagoides pteromyssinus) | 3 working days | 2 280 UAH |
"Mold" (m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata, m05 Candida albicans, m03 Astergilus fumigatus, m02 Cladosporium herbarum, m01 Penicillum chrysogenum) | 3 working days | 1 550 UAH |
"Alternaria" (m06 Alternaria alternata, Alt a1 Alternaria alternata) | 3 working days | 840 UAH |
"Cat plus Dog" (e01 Cat epithelium, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Dog epithelium, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog) | 3 working days | 1 670 UAH |
"Cat, Dog, Horse" (e01 Epithelium of a cat, Fel d1 Cat, e05 Epithelium of a dog, Can f1 Dog, Can f5 Dog, e03 Epithelium of a horse, Equ c1 Horse) | 3 working days | 1 790 UAH |
"Cat" (e94 rFel d1, Felis domesticus, e220 nFel d2, Felis domesticus serum albumin, e228 rFel d4, Felis domesticus lipocalin) | 7 working days | 3 250 UAH |
"Dog" (e101 rCan f1, e102 rCan f2, e221 nCan f3, serum albumin) 7 working days | 7 working days | 3 500 UAH |
"Pre-vaccination" (c74 cow's gelatin, f67 nGal d 2 egg ovalbumin, f45 yeast) | 7 working days | 2 100 UAH |
"Food" (f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme, f02 Cow's milk, Bos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, Bos d5 Beta-Lactoglobulin, Bos d6 Bovine serum albumin, Bos d8 Casein, f03 Cod, Gad c1 Cod, f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut , Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya) | 3 working days | |
"Food Infant" (f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme, f02 Cow's milk, Bos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, Bos d5 Beta- Lactoglobulin, Bos d6 Bovine serum albumin, Bos d8 Casein, f03 Cod, Gad c1 Cod, f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya) | 3 working days | 1 950 UAH |
"Vegetarian" (f49 Apple, Mal d1 Apple, Mal d3 Apple, f95 Peach, Pur p3 Peach, f343 Raspberry, f4 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f 98 Gliadin, f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, f14 Soy, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya, f17 Hazelnut, Cor a1 Hazelnut, f85 Celery, Api g1 Celery, Api g4 Celery, f31 Carrot, Dau c1 Carrot, Dau c4 Carrot, f25 Tomato, f92 Banana, f33 Orange, f242 Cherry, CCD (Bromelain )) | 3 working days | 2 240 UAH |
"Vegetables, fruits" (f49 Apple, Mal d1 Apple, Mal d3 Apple, f95 Peach, Pur p3 Peach, f343 Raspberry, f85 Celery, Api g1 Celery, Api g4 Celery, f31 Carrot, Dau c1 Carrot, Dau c4 Carrot , f25 Tomato, f92 Banana, f33 Orange, f242 Cherry, CCD (Bromelain)) | 3 working days | 1 880 UAH |
"Peanut plus Soya" (f13 Peanut, Ara h1 Peanut, Ara h2 Peanut, Ara h3 Peanut, Ara h8 Peanut, Ara h9 Peanut, f14 Soya, Gly m4 Soya, Gly m5 Soya) | 3 working days | 1 490 UAH |
"Wheat plus Soy" (f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin, f14 Soy, Gly m4 Soy, Gly m5 Soy) | 3 working days | 1 490 UAH |
"Wheat" (f04 Wheat, Tri a19 Wheat, f98 Gliadin) | 3 working days | 1 040 UAH |
"Milk extended" (f77 nBos d5 Beta-Lactoglobulin, f76 nBos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin, e204 nBos d6 Bovine serum albumin, f78 nBos d8 Casein, f2 Cow's milk) | 3 working days | 2 450 UAH |
"Egg" (f01 Egg white, f75 Egg yolk, Gal d1 Ovumucoid, Gal d2 Ovalbumin, Gal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin), f208 Egg lysozyme) | 3 working days | 1 640 UAH |
"Allergy to medicines" (tryptase, c74 cow gelatin, k82 latex, c8 chlorhexidine) | 7 working days | 2 590 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
f433 rTri a14, LTP Wheat flour | 7 working days | 1 130 UAH |
f416 rTri a19 Wheat flour, omega-5 gliadin | 3 working days | 1 130 UAH |
f67 nGal d2 Ovalbumin | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f68 nGal d1 Ovomukoid | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f69 nGal d3 Conalbumin (ovotransferrin) | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
k208 nGal d4 Eggs Lysozyme | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f78 nBos d8 Casein | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f352 rAra h8 Peanut | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f353 rGly m4 Soy | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f434 r Mal d1 Apple | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f311 r Dau c1 Carrot | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f76 nBos d4 Alpha-Lactalbumin | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f77 nBos d5 Beta-Lactoglobulin | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
e204 nBos d6 Bovine serum albumin | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
417 rApi g8 Celery | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
f414 rApi g1 Celery | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
w230 nAmb a 1 Ambrosia | 7 working days | 960 UAH |
g205 rPhl p1 Phleum pratense | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
g206 rPhl p2 Phleum pratense | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
g215 rPhl p5 Phleum pratense | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
g212 rPhl p12 Phleum pratense | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
t215 rBet v1 Birch (Betula verrucosa) | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
t216 rBet v2 Birch (Betula verrucosa) | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
t220 rBet v4 Birch (Betula verrucosa) | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
w231 nArt v1 Wormwood | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
w233 nArt v3 Wormwood | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
w211 rPar j2 Postenitsa | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
Recombinant household allergens (molecular diagnostics)
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Name | Execution time | Price |
m229 rAlt a1 Alternaria alternata | 7 w/d | 960 грн. |
e220 nFel d2 Feline serum albumin | 3 w/d | 960 грн |
e101 nCan f1 Dog lipocalin | 3 w/d | 960 грн |
e221 nCan f3 Dog serum albumin | 7 w/d | 1 130 грн. |
e226 nCan f5 Dog prostatic kallikrein (male dog allergen) | 3 w/d | 960 грн |
d209 rDer p23 House dust mite D. Pteronyssinus | 7 w/d | 1 390 грн. |
k203 nApi m1 Bee phospholipase | 3 w/d | 960 грн |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
ImmunoLINE "Pollen" | 3 working days | 1 930 UAH |
ImmunoLINE "Household" | 3 working days | 1 930 UAH |
ImmunoLINE "Inhalation extended" | 3 working days | 2 900 UAH |
Alleisa Screen Allergen Complex
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Alleisa Screen. "Food 30" | 3 working days | 2 320 UAH |
Alleisa Screen. "Inhalation 30" | 3 working days | 2 320 UAH |
Alleisa Screen. "Atopic 30" | 3 working days | 2 320 UAH |
Alleisa Screen. "Atopic extended 60" | 3 working days | 3 850 UAH |
Allergen complex ALEX2
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Multicomponent molecular quantitative diagnosis of specific sIgE and general IgE with the Allergy Explorer ALEX2 allergy chip (Austria) for up to 295 allergens at the same time | 5 working days | 6 590 UAH |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Food intolerance 252 (IgG4). Panel 252 foods. | 3 working days |
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Name | Execution time | Price | |
Food intolerance 126 (IgG4). Panel 126 foods. | 3 working days |
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Name | Execution time | Price |
Food intolerance (IgG4) 1 type of food. | 3 working days | 280 uah |
Name | Execution time | Price |
ImuPro-300. Food intolerance (IgG1+IgG2+IgG3+IgG4) 270 foods. Germany. | 25 р/дн. | 29 500 UAH |
ImuPro-100. Food intolerance (IgG1+IgG2+IgG3+IgG4) 90 foods. | 25 р/дн. | 22 600 UAH |
Prices. Microbiome
Prices. General clinical analyzes
Name | Execution time | Price |
Detailed blood test (WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT, PCT, MPV, PDW, ESR, NE, LY, MO, EO, BA) | 1 working days | 280 UAH |
Blood group + Rhesus factor | 3 working days | 220 UAH |
Reticulocytes (only with a detailed blood test) | 1 working days | 230 UAH |
Virocytes (only with a detailed blood test) | 1 working days | 160 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
General analysis of urine | 1 working days | 160 UAH |
Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko | 1 working days | 160 UAH |
Urine analysis for diastasis | 1 working days | 160 UAH |
Urine sugar | 1 working days | 160 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Scrape for enterobiosis | 1 working days | 210 UAH |
Stool test | 1 working days | 250 UAH. |
Fecal analysis of helminth eggs | 1 working days | 190 UAH. |
Fecal analysis of protozoa (giardia) | 1 working days | 200 UAH. |
Fecal analysis of helminth eggs + protozoa (giardia) | 1 working days | 280 UAH. |
Fecal analysis of hidden blood | 1 working days | 260 UAH. |
Hidden blood in feces (hemoglobin and transferrin) | 2 working days | 440 UAH. |
Preparation and transportation instructions for stool specimens
Prices. Biochemical research
Name | Execution time | Price |
Bilirubin (total, direct, indirect) | 3 working days | 230 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Lactate | 3 working days | 360 UAH |
Gamma-glutamate transferase (GHT) | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Pancreatic amylase | 3 working days | 240 UAH |
Alpha amylase | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Lipase | 3 working days | 240 UAH |
Total creatine phosphokinase (CPK) | 2 working days | 240 UAH |
Creatine phosphokinase MV fraction (CPK-MV) | 3 working days | 240 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Blood sugar | 3 working days | 170 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Total protein | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Thymol test | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Ceruloplasmin | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
Glycosylated hemoglobin | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
C-reactive protein (quantitative) | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
Rheumatoid factor (quantitative) | 3 working days | 580 UAH |
Antistreptolysin-O (ASL-O) (quantitative) | 3 working days | 380 UAH |
Homocysteine | 3 working days | 220 UAH |
Albumin | 3 working days | 160 UAH |
Protein fractions | 5 working days | 160 UAH |
Procalcitonin / Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 940 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Creatinine | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Urea | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Urea nitrogen | 3 working days | 160 UAH |
Uric acid | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
Cystatin C in CKD / Only venous blood / | 3 working days | 990 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, zinc, copper) / Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 4 650 UAH |
Potassium /Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 110 грн. |
Sodium /Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 110 грн. |
Chlorine | 3 working days | 110 грн. |
Total calcium | 3 working days | 110 грн. |
Ionized calcium /Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 240 грн. |
Inorganic phosphorus | 3 working days | 110 грн. |
Copper | 3 working days | 350 грн. |
Magnesium | 3 working days | 110 грн. |
Mercury / Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Arsenic /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Zinc / Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 490 грн. |
Selenium /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Strontium /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Chromium /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Antimony /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Cobalt /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Cadmium /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Lead /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Manganese /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Tin /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Lithium /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Aluminum /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Thallium /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Nickel /Only venous blood!/ | 16 working days | 1 100 грн. |
Iodine in urine /urine/ | 1 working day | 550 грн. |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Serum iron | 3 working days | 150 UAH |
The iron-binding capacity of the serum is | 3 working days | 240 UAH |
Vitamin B12 | 3 working days | 420 UAH |
Folic acid | 3 working days | 420 UAH |
Transferrin | 3 working days | 410 UAH |
Ferritin | 3 working days | 410 UAH |
The percentage of transferrin saturation with iron | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Cholesterol (total) | 3 working days | 150 UAH. |
Triglycerides | 3 working days | 150 UAH. |
Hemostasis system
Name | Execution time | Price |
D-dimer /Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
Prothrombin complex: Prothrombin time (PTH), Prothrombin index (PTI), International normalized ratio of INR, INR, INR) /Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
International normalized ratio (INR) | 3 working days | 240 UAH |
Prothrombin index (PTI) | 3 working days | 240 UAH |
Time of coagulation according to Lee-White | immediately | 110 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Vitamin D (25-OH vitamin D2+D3) | 2 working days | 650 UAH. |
Biochemical complexes
Name | Execution time | Price |
Liver tests (total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GHG)) gamma-glutamate transferase (GHT)) | 3 working days | 990 UAH |
Renal tests (urea, uric acid, creatinine) | 3 working days | 420 UAH. |
Blood biochemical profile (total bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase, total protein, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), triglycerides, glucose, urea, uric acid, creatinine) | 3 working days | 1 250 UAH. |
Complete blood biochemical profile (total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GHT), cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, urea, uric acid, creatinine, alpha amylase) | 3 working days | 1 400 UAH |
Rheumatoid tests (rheumatoid factor (quantitative), C-reactive protein (quantitative), antistreptolysin-O (quantitative)) | 3 working days | 520 UAH. |
Lipid metabolism (high-density, low-density, very low-density lipoproteins, cholesterol, triglycerides, atherogenicity index) | 3 working days | 480 UAH. |
Coagulogram (activated partial thromboplastin time (APT), international normalized ratio (INR, INR), prothrombin activity according to Kwik, thrombin time, fibrinogen, prothrombin time) / Only venous blood!/ | 3 working days | 520 UAH. |
Prices. Immunological research
Immunology and allergology
Name. | Execution time | Price |
Complex immunogram (main subpopulations of immunocompetent cells: T-lymphocytes (CD3), B-lymphocytes (CD22), T-helpers (CD4), T-suppressors (CD8), immunoregulatory index, natural killers (NK-CD-16), circulating immune complexes, serum immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgG, NCT test, RBTL test, hemolytic activity of the complement system, comprehensive blood analysis) / Only venous blood!/ | 5 working days | 1 400 UAH |
Circulating immune complexes | 2 working days | 350 UAH |
Immunoglobulin IgA secretory (saliva) | 12 working days | 850 UAH |
Serum immunoglobulin IgA total | 2 working days | 260 UAH |
Serum immunoglobulin IgG | 2 working days | 260 UAH |
Serum immunoglobulin IgM | 2 working days | 260 UAH |
Eosinophilic cationic protein | 3 working days | |
Immunoglobulin E total (IgE total) | 4 working days | |
Complement component C3 | 3 working days | 360 UAH |
Complement component C4 | 3 working days | 360 UAH |
Components of the complement system C3, C4 | 3 working days | 680 UAH |
CH50 supplement activity | 3 working days | 1 080 UAH |
Diamine oxidase (DAO) | 5 working days | 1 500 UAH |
Tryptase | 7 working days | 1 400 UAH |
Name. | Execution time | Price |
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) | 3 working days | 420 UAH |
Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) | 3 working days | 440 UAH |
Antibodies to double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Antibodies to single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) | 3 working days | 530 UAH |
Anti-microsomal antibodies (AMSt) | 4 working days | 440 UAH |
Antibodies to liver / kidney microsomes (LKM antibodies, autoimmune hepatitis 2a and 2b) | 3 working days | 715 UAH |
Antibodies to phospholipids Ig M | 3 working days | 430 UAH |
Antibodies to phospholipids Ig G | 3 working days | 430 UAH |
Lupus anticoagulant (antiphospholipid syndrome) (APS) | 2 working days | 550 UAH |
Prices. Genetic research
Name. | Execution time | Price |
Nutrition genetic passport (FABP2, PPARG, ADRB2 2 polymorphisms, ADRB3, LCT, MTHFR, CYP1A2, VDR, IL6, SOD2) / Only venous blood / | 8 working days | 6 200 UAH |
Serotonin 2A receptor gene (HTR2A) /Only venous blood/ | 6 working days | 1 120 UAH |
Genetic risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AROE E2/E3/E4) / Venous blood only/ | 6 working days | 3 135 UAH |
Genetic risk of developing atopic dermatitis and ichthyosis (FLG R501X, FLG 2282delCAGT) by PyroMark Q24 pyrosequencing method /Venous blood only/ | 6 working days | 1 800 UAH |
Leptin receptor gene (LEPR) /Only venous blood/ | 6 working days | 1 150 UAH |
Leptin metabolism: Leptin receptor gene + Leptin / Only venous blood / | 6 working days | 1 930 UAH |
Genetic marker of celiac disease (HLA DQ2/DQ8) /Only venous blood/ | 6 working days | 2 540 UAH |
Folate cycle, gene polymorphism (MTHFR, MTR, MTRR) | 4 р/дн | 770 UAH |
Prices. Gluten and lactose intolerance
Prices. Celiac diagnostics
Name | Execution time | Price |
Antibodies to gliadin IgA | 3 w/d | 680 грн. |
Antibodies to gliadin IgG | 3 w/d | 680 грн. |
Deaminated IgA gliadin peptides (DGP) | 4 w/d | 1 320 грн. |
Deaminated IgG gliadin peptides (DGP) | 4 w/d | 1 320 грн. |
Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase IgA | 4 w/d | 850 грн. |
Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase IgG | 4 w/d | 850 грн. |
ntibodies to endomysium IgA /Only venous blood!/ | 3 w/d | 1 320 грн. |
Antibodies to endomysium IgG /Only venous blood!/ | 3 w/d | 1 320 грн. |
Diagnosis of celiac disease. Package #1. (Deaminated gliadin peptides IgG (DGP), Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase IgG (tTG), Castle's intrinsic factor (IF) | 4 w/d | 1 650 грн. |
Diagnosis of celiac disease. Package #2. (Deaminated IgA gliadin peptides (DGP), Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase Ig A (tTG) | 4 w/d | 1 650 грн. |
Diagnosis of celiac disease. Package #3. (Deaminated gliadin peptides IgG (DGP), Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase IgG (tTG), Castle's intrinsic factor (IF) Deaminated gliadin peptides IgA (DGP), Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase Ig A (tTG)) | 4 w/d | 3 080 грн. |
Diagnosis of celiac disease. Package #6. (Deaminated gliadin peptides IgG (DGP), Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase IgG (tTG) Castle's intrinsic factor (IF), Deaminated gliadin peptides IgA (DGP), Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase Ig A (tTG), Antibodies to gliadin Ig G, Antibodies to gliadin Ig A) | 4 w/d | 3 850 грн. |
Prices. Gastrointestinal tract pathology diagnostics
Name | Execution time | Price |
Zonulin / Only venous blood / | 10 working days | 3 850 UAH |
Zonulin /stool/ | 6 working days | 3 500 грн. |
Calprotectin stool | 3 working days | 1 300 UAH |
Preparation and transportation instructions for stool specimens
Prices. Lactase deficiency diagnostics
Name | Execution time | Price |
PCR. Lactase deficiency (МСМ6 gene) | 3 working days | 690 UAH. |
Carbohydrates of feces | 2 working days | 460 UAH. |
Prices. Research on infections
Name | Execution time | Price |
Helicobacter - IgA, M, G | 3 working days | 300 UAH. |
Helicobacter - IgG | 4 working days | 320 UAH |
PCR. Helicobacter /faeces/ | 5 working days | 740 UAH. |
Infectious mononucleosis (EBV)
Name | Execution time | Price |
V. Epstein-Barra - IgG (EA) | 3 working days | 260 UAH |
V. Epstein-Barra - IgG (EBNA) nuclear | 3 working days | 260 UAH |
V. Epstein-Barra - IgG (VCA) capsid | 3 working days | 260 UAH |
V. Epstein-Barra - IgM (VCA) capsid | 3 working days | 260 UAH |
PCR. V. Epstein-Barra /Blood/ | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
PCR. V. Epshtein-Barra / Scraping, urine, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
Name | Execution time | Price |
Cytomegalovirus - IgG to CMV (quantitative) | 3 working days | 260 UAH |
Cytomegalovirus - IgM to CMV (quality) | 3 working days | 260 UAH |
PCR. Cytomegalovirus /Blood/ | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
PCR. Cytomegalovirus /Scraping, urine, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 280 UAH |
Herpetic infection
Name | Execution time | Price |
Herpes virus - IgG HSV ½ (quantitative) | 3 working days | 290 грн. |
Herpes virus - IgM HSV ½ (qualitative) | 3 working days | 290 грн. |
Herpes virus - IgM HSV 1 type (quantitative) | 3 working days | 290 грн. |
Herpes virus - IgM HSV 2 type (quantitative) | 3 working days | 290 грн. |
Herpes virus - IgG HSV 1 type (quantitative) | 3 working days | 290 грн. |
Herpes virus - IgG HSV 2 type (quantitative) | 4 working days | 290 грн. |
Herpes virus - IgG HSV 6 type (quantitative) | 3 working days | 350 грн. |
Herpes virus. Varicella zoster-IgM | 3 working days | 350 грн. |
Herpes virus. Varicella zoster- IgG | 5 working days | 350 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus 1/2 type /Blood/ | 3 working days | 450 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus 1/2 type /Scraping, urine, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 450 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus type 1 /Blood, fluid, scrapings, saliva/ | 3 working days | 400 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus type 2 /Blood, fluid, scrapings, saliva/ | 3 working days | 400 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus type 3 (Varicella-zoster virus) /Blood, cerebrospinal fluid, scrapings, saliva/ | 3 working days | 680 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus type 6 /Blood, cerebrospinal fluid, scrapings, saliva/ | 3 working days | 350 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus type 7 /Blood, fluid, scrapings, saliva/ | 3 working days | 600 грн. |
PCR. Herpes virus type 8 /Blood, fluid, scrapings, saliva/ | 3 working days | 600 грн. |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Toxoplasmosis - IgG (quantitative) | 3 working days | 260 грн. |
Toxoplasmosis - IgG (Avidi) | 3 working days | 550 грн. |
Toxoplasmosis - IgM (qualitative) | 3 working days | 260 грн. |
PCR. Toxoplasmosis /Blood/ | 3 working days | 280 грн. |
PCR. Toxoplasmosis / Sputum, saliva, scraping/ | 3 working days | 280 грн. |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Rubella - IgG (quantitative) | 3 working days | 260 UAH. |
Rubella - IgM (qualitative ) | 3 working days | 260 UAH. |
PCR. Rubella | 3 working days | 270 UAH. |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Chlamydia pneumoniae - IgG | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Chlamydia pneumoniae - IgM | 3 working days | 420 UAH |
PCR. Chlamydia pneumoniae /Blood, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 440 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae - IgG | 3 working days | 320 UAH. |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae - IgM | 3 working days | 420 UAH. |
PCR. Mycoplasma pneumoniae /Blood, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 440 UAH. |
Name | Execution time | Price |
PCR. Streptococcus pneumoniae (quantitative) /Blood, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 440 UAH |
Інші інфекції | ||
Name | Execution time | Price |
PCR. Staphylococcus aureus (MR1411) (quantitative) /Blood, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 440 UAH |
Name | Execution time | Price |
PСR. Candida (albicans+glabrata+krusei) /Slina, sputum, zishkrib, smear/ | 3 working days | 830 UAH. |
PCR. Candida albicans /Scraping, smear/ | 3 working days | 280 UAH. |
PCR. Candida albicans /Saliva, sputum/ | 3 working days | 280 UAH. |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Syphilis (cardiolipin test, VDRL) | 3 working days | 320 UAH. |
Quantitative analysis of Lewis antigens | 3 working days | 320 UAH. |
Name | Execution time | Price |
Antibodies IgG, M, A mycobacterium tuberculosis | 3 working days | 380 UAH |
PCR. Mycobacterium tuberculosis-bovi /Scraping, smear, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 780 UAH |
PCR diagnosis of infectious diseases
Name | Execution time | Price |
PCR. Pulmonological complex (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Bordetella pertussis,Bordetella perapertussis, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Legionella pneumophila, Haemophilus influenzae) /Discharge from the nose, sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 1 950 UAH |
PCR. SARS: Respiratory Syncytial virus; Metapneumovirus; Coronavirus; Rhinovirus; Adenovirus B, C, E; Bocavirus; Parainfluenza virus 1, 2, 3, 4 (qualitative definition) /Smear/ | 5 working days | 2 360 UAH |
PCR. Causative agents of respiratory infections: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae (qualitative definition) /Smear/ | 3 working days | 820 UAH |
PCR. Tick-borne encephalitis virus, multiplex: tick-borne encephalitis virus, borreliosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis (Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Anaplasma Phagocitophillum, Ehrlichia chaffencis/E.muris), /tick, blood/ | 3 working days | 1 080 UAH |
PCR. Whooping cough (qualitative definition) /sputum, saliva/ | 3 working days | 980 UAH |
PCR. Pertussis pathogens, types of identification (Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Bordetella holmesii) (qualitative identification) / throat scraping / | 3 working days | 1 390 грн. |
PCR. Parvovirus (Parvovirus B19) qualitative definition /saliva, blood/ | 6 working days | 600 UAH |
ELISA-diagnosis of infectious diseases
Name | Execution time | Price |
IgG antibodies to tetanus (Tetanus Toxoid) | 3 working days | 500 UAH |
IgG antibodies to diphtheria | 3 working days | 600 UAH |
IgM antibodies to the causative agent of measles | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
IgG antibodies to the causative agent of measles | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
IgM antibodies to the causative agent of pertussis | 5 working days | 490 UAH |
IgG antibodies to the causative agent of whooping cough | 5 working days | 490 UAH |
IgM antibodies to the causative agent of Lyme disease (borreliosis) | 3 working days | 480 UAH |
IgG antibodies to the causative agent of Lyme disease (borreliosis) | 3 working days | 540 UAH |
Borreliosis, IgM antibodies to specific Borrelia antigens: VlsE, major expressed variable protein sequence; p83, protein of membrane vesicles; p39, BmpA; p31 OspA, outer surface protein A; p30; p25, OspC, outer surface protein C; p21; p19; p17 (Western Blot method) | 4 working days | 1 650 UAH |
Borreliosis, IgG antibodies to specific Borrelia antigens: VlsE, major expressed variable protein sequence; p83, protein of membrane vesicles; p39, BmpA; p31 OspA, outer surface protein A; p30; p25, OspC, outer surface protein C; p21; p19; p17 (Western Blot method) | 4 working days | 1 650 UAH |
Tick-borne encephalitis virus, IgG antibodies | 4 working days | 520 UAH |
Tick-borne encephalitis virus, IgM antibodies | 4 working days | 520 UAH |
Prices, Hormones and metabolites
Thyroid hormones
Name. | Execution time | Price |
Thyroid hormone, thyrotropin (TSH) | 3 working days | 270 UAH |
Total thyroxine (T4) | 3 working days | 270 UAH |
Thyroxine free (T4) | 3 working days | 270 UAH |
Total triiodothyronine (T3) | 3 working days | 270 UAH |
Free triiodothyronine (T3) | 3 working days | 270 UAH |
Antithyroid antibodies (ATG) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Thyroglobulin | 3 working days | 300 UAH |
Antibodies to thyroid-stimulating hormone receptors (a-RTSH) | 4 working days | 720 UAH |
Parathyroid hormone | 3 working days | 430 UAH |
Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Sex hormones
Name. | Execution time | Price |
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Luteinizing hormone (LH) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Progesterone (PRH) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Prolactin (PRL) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Testosterone (T) | 3 working days | 360 UAH |
Free testosterone (T free) | 3 working days | 360 UAH |
Dihydrotestosterone | 4 working days. | 660 UAH |
Estradiol (E2) | 3 working days | 670 UAH |
Free estriol (E3) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) | 3 working days | 490 UAH |
Sex-binding globulin (SSG) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Anti-Mullerian hormone | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Index of free testosterone | 3 working days | 830 UAH |
Other hormones
Name. | Execution time | Price |
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) | 3 working days | 630 UAH |
Cortisol (KR) in the blood | 3 working days | 330 UAH |
Cortisol (KR) in saliva | 4 working days | 770 UAH |
Cortisol (CR) in urine | 2 working days | 360 UAH |
Aldosterone | 3 working days | 640 UAH |
Андростендіон (AND) | 5 working days | 430 UAH |
Calcitonin | 2 working days | 460 UAH |
Somatotropic hormone | 3 working days | 330 UAH |
Leptin (obesity hormone) | 4 working days | 840 UAH |
С – peptide | 3 working days | 370 UAH |
Insulin | 3 working days | 380 UAH |
NOMA index (insulin + glucose + index) | 3 working days | 580 UAH |
17-OH-progesterone (blood) | 4 working days | 380 UAH |
Human beta-chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) (beta-hCG) | 3 working days | 330 UAH |
Prices, Tumor markers (oncomarkers)
Name | Execution time | Price |
Total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) | 3 working days | 330 UAH |
Prostate-specific antigen (complex: total \ free \ index (PSA) | 3 working days | 560 UAH |
Cancer-embryonic antigen (REA, CEA) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Pancreas, gall bladder (СА-19-9) | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
Breast cancer antigen (CA 15-3) | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Ovarian cancer antigen (CA -125) | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
NO 4 (ovarian tumor marker) | 3 working days | 980 UAH |
Roma index (НЕ4/Са125) | 3 working days | 1 280 UAH |
Stomach, gastrointestinal | 3 working days | 530 UAH |
Alpha-fetoprotein | 3 working days | 320 UAH |
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cancer antigen | 3 working days | 620 UAH |
Prices. Viral hepatitis
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
Name | Execution time | Price |
Hepatitis A virus - IgM to HAV | 3 working days | 230 UAH. |
PCR. Hepatitis A /Blood/ | 3 working days | 480 UAH. |
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Name | Execution time | Price |
Hepatitis B virus - HbsAg | 3 working days | 230 UAH |
Hepatitis B virus - IgG antibodies to HbsAg | 3 working days | 230 UAH |
Hepatitis B virus - HbeAg | 3 working days | 230 UAH |
Hepatitis B virus - IgM to HbcAg | 3 working days | 230 UAH |
Hepatitis B virus - IgG to HbcAg | 3 working days | 230 UAH |
PCR. Hepatitis B virus (quantitative) /Blood/ | 3 working days | 960 UAH |
PCR. Hepatitis B virus (qualitative) /Blood/ | 3 working days | 480 UAH |
Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Name | Execution time | Price |
Hepatitis C virus - total to HCV | 3 working days | 440 UAH |
Hepatitis C virus - Ig M to HCV | 3 working days | 310 UAH |
Hepatitis C virus - IgG to HCV | 3 working days | 360 UAH |
PCR. Hepatitis C virus (qualitative) /Blood/ | 3 working days | 750 UAH |
PCR. Hepatitis C virus (quantitative) /Blood/ | 7 working days | 1 450 UAH |
PCR. HCV genotyping (RT-PCR) | 3 working days | 1 450 UAH |
Hepatitis C immunoblotting (coreAg/Ns3/Ns4/Ns5) | 3 working days | 750 UAH |
Viral hepatitis: D (HDV), G (HGV), TT (TTV)
Name | Execution time | Price |
PCR. Hepatitis D virus /Blood/ | 3 working days | 540 UAH. |
PCR. Hepatitis G virus /Blood/ | 3 working days | 620 UAH. |
Prices. Parasitic and protozoal diseases
Prices. Cytological studies
Name | Execution time | Price |
Microscopy of skin scales, hair, nails, purulent secretions | 3 working days | 350 UAH |
Smear for eosinophils from the nose (rhinocytogram, nasocytogram) | 3 working days | 240 UAH |
Prices. Bacteriological research
Preparation and transportation instructions for stool specimens
Prices. Determination of drugs from urine
Name | Execution time | Price |
Detection test for 10 drugs: amphetamine, cocaine, opiates, marijuana, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, buprenorphine, ecstasy, methadone | 2 working days | 1 780 UAH. |
Prices. Home visit and delivery
Name | Price |
Laboratory assistant visit within the city of Kyiv* | is free of charge |
Delivery of results by Nova Poshta | at Nova Poshta rates |
Out-of-town visit of a laboratory assistant (cost of tests is paid separately)* | 1000 UAH |
* The laboratory assistant will be sent if the order is over UAH 1,000. The possibility of going to a specific place is decided individually. |
Prices. Prick tests
Prices. Patch tests
Name | Price |
Patch test. European basic series S-1000 (water resistant) | 2900 UAH |
Patch test. Dental screening | 3 900 UAH |
Patch test. Metals: nickel, chrome, cobalt (water resistant) | 1 100 UAH |
Patch test. Atopic 10 | 1 750 UAH |
Patch test. Atopic 20 | 2 390 UAH |
Patch test.Hairdressing series 37 (water resistant) | 3 300 UAH |
Patch test..Acrylate series 10 (water resistant) | 2 200 UAH |
Prices. Manipulations and physical procedures
Name | Price |
Intramuscular injection | 250 UAH |
Intravenous injection | 500 UAH |
Intravenous infusion (drip infusion) | 950 UAH |
Removal of ear plugs (for 1) | 300 UAH |
Removal of ear plugs (for 2) | 500 UAH |
Name | Price |
UFO "Sonechko" | 80 грн. |
Inhalation with Ventolin | 100 грн. |
Inhalation with Flixotide | 300 грн. |
Allergy treatment by specific immunotherapy (ASIT)
Name | Price |
Package ASIT therapy "Injection 1". Initial course. A course of 24 injections, 3 months according to the scheme | 5800 UAH |
ASIT therapy package "Injection 1A". Supportive course. Course 1 vial | 990 UAH |
ASIT therapy package "Injection 2". Initial course. Course for 6 weeks, 1 injection per week. Mixture of May / Mixture of sods / Birch / Mixture of house dust mites / Ambrosia / Wormwood / Ambrosia + Wormwood / Cat fur / Dog fur / Alternative | 5950 UAH |
ASIT therapy package "Injection 2A". Supportive course. Course for 5 months, 1 injection per month. | 14 400 UAH |
Package ASIT therapy "Injection 3". Supportive course. Course 1 injection. | 3200 UAH |
Package of ASIT therapy 'Dragee.' Initial course. Ticks. | 4800 UAH |
ACIT package of "Dragee" therapy. Initial course. Herbs No. 2 and No. 4 | 4600 UAH |
ACIT package of "Dragee" therapy. Support course. Ticks. | 2500 UAH |
ACIT package of "Dragee" therapy. Support course. Herbs #2 and #4 | 2300 UAH |
ACIT therapy package "SPRAY". Initial course. 2 vials. The course is for 6 months. | 13950 UAH |
Package ASIT therapy "Spray" Maintenance course. 2 vials. The course is for 6 months | 13950 UAH |
ACIT PACKAGE "Lopharma 40 tablets" | 11650 UAH |
ACIT PACKAGE "Lopharma 70 tablets" | 18480 UAH |
Name Price Waxygrip Tetra (Sanofi Pasteur. France) Influenza. Recommended by the Ministry of Health. 750 UAH Boostrix Polio (Belgium). Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis.
Mandatory from the Ministry of Health1800 UAH M-M-Rwakspro (MMR) (Netherlands) Measles, rubella, Parotitis.
Mandatory from the Ministry of Health880 UAH INFANRIX IPV (Belgium) Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis.
Mandatory from the Ministry of Health1900 UAH Rotatek (Netherlands) Rotavirus infection.
Recommended by the Ministry of Health1350 UAH SYNFLORIX (Belgium) Prevention of pneumococcal infection, atypical hemophilic infection.
Recommended by the Ministry of Health2000 UAH MENACTRA (France) Prevention of meningococcal infection.
Recommended by the Ministry of Health2000 UAH CERVARIX (Belgium) Prevention of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia stage 2-3 and cervical cancer caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) 16,18 types, in women and girls from 12 years of age. Recommended by the Ministry of Health 2500 UAH GARDASIL (Netherlands) Indicated for use in girls and women aged 9 to 45 years for the prevention of diseases caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, including cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina and anal canal; precancerous and dysplastic conditions; genital warts; infections caused by the human papilloma virus.
Made-to-order8600 UAH
Prices. Functional diagnostics
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Name | Price |
Breath test NO (Great Britain) to determine the degree of allergic inflammation of the respiratory tract and hidden asthma (FeNo) with a conclusion | 1200 UAH |
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Spirogram without bronchodilation test | 550 UAH |
Spirography with a bronchodilator test | 600 UAH |
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Ultrasound of abdominal organs | 600 UAH. |
Ultrasound of the organs of the abdominal cavity and the abdominal space (kidneys) | 750 UAH. |
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland | 500 UAH. |
Ultrasound of kidneys and bladder | 500 UAH. |
Ultrasound of vessels of the neck | 600 UAH. |
Ultrasound of mammary glands | 500 UAH. |