Cat allergy

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 15% of the population of our planet suffer from cat allergies to one degree or another.
Different people may show one or more of the following symptoms:
If you have an allergy, and there is a cat at home, then, regrettably, it is better to get rid of it.
Sometimes it happens that finding another place of residence for a cat seems impossible - there is no one to pick it up, the second half loves it madly, the children are used to it. In this case, you need to objectively assess your condition. If there is a cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, then you will have to part with your pet, otherwise the condition will worsen. An allergy to cat hair, like other allergic reactions, leads to rather unpleasant consequences. In the case of constant exposure to the allergen, irritability increases, immunity decreases, and fatigue increases. In addition, allergies to cats often cause diseases such as allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, eczema and bronchial asthma.
If the symptoms are limited to reddening of the skin, and you are categorically not ready to part with the cat, then simple rules will help you keep your allergies under control:
1. Avoid contact with the cat, do not touch or stroke it.
2. Do not let it enter the room where you sleep.
3. Avoid close contact with people who have pets because hair can stay on clothes for a long time.
4. Before you go to visit relatives or friends, check if they have a cat at home and ask them not to let it enter the room in which they plan to temporarily accommodate you in advance, at least two weeks before your arrival. At the same time, start taking the necessary medications that will help you avoid an allergic reaction.
5. As often as possible, clean the apartment, and more intensified precisely in those corners where your kitty likes to be most of all.
6. Replace long-haired carpets with less shaggy ones, as well as curtains that can attract other allergens in the form of dust and other things.
7. Ventilate the room you are in as often as possible.
8. Keep your pet clean at all times.
9. Castrate the cat. Because males cats emit much more allergen than a female cat.
10. Change fabric furniture to leatherette or, if possible, to leather.
11. Put an air purifier and an ionizer in the room.
12. Do not clean the tray yourself, let someone who does not have allergies do it.
"In our medical center you can do cat allergy tests:
1. Recombinant household allergen e220 nFel d2 Cat serum albumin
2. Complete package ""Allergy to a cat"" (Total Ig E, Cat fur\ epithelium, serum, dandruff)
3. Monoallergens by the piece - IgE specific to cat fur / epithelium, serum, excrement.
4. Molecular package of allergens ""Cat"" (e94 rFel d1, Felis domisticus, e220 nFel d2, Felis domisticus serum albumin, e228 rFel d4, Felis domisticus lipocalin)
We do not charge for taking blood!
We take blood from a finger for children!
Different people may show one or more of the following symptoms:
- runny or stuffy nose;
- sneezing
- irritability or watery eyes;
- manifestations similar to asthma symptoms - cough, wheezing, shortness of breath;
- redness of the skin where the cat has scratched, bitten or licked.
If you have an allergy, and there is a cat at home, then, regrettably, it is better to get rid of it.
Sometimes it happens that finding another place of residence for a cat seems impossible - there is no one to pick it up, the second half loves it madly, the children are used to it. In this case, you need to objectively assess your condition. If there is a cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, then you will have to part with your pet, otherwise the condition will worsen. An allergy to cat hair, like other allergic reactions, leads to rather unpleasant consequences. In the case of constant exposure to the allergen, irritability increases, immunity decreases, and fatigue increases. In addition, allergies to cats often cause diseases such as allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, eczema and bronchial asthma.
If the symptoms are limited to reddening of the skin, and you are categorically not ready to part with the cat, then simple rules will help you keep your allergies under control:
1. Avoid contact with the cat, do not touch or stroke it.
2. Do not let it enter the room where you sleep.
3. Avoid close contact with people who have pets because hair can stay on clothes for a long time.
4. Before you go to visit relatives or friends, check if they have a cat at home and ask them not to let it enter the room in which they plan to temporarily accommodate you in advance, at least two weeks before your arrival. At the same time, start taking the necessary medications that will help you avoid an allergic reaction.
5. As often as possible, clean the apartment, and more intensified precisely in those corners where your kitty likes to be most of all.
6. Replace long-haired carpets with less shaggy ones, as well as curtains that can attract other allergens in the form of dust and other things.
7. Ventilate the room you are in as often as possible.
8. Keep your pet clean at all times.
9. Castrate the cat. Because males cats emit much more allergen than a female cat.
10. Change fabric furniture to leatherette or, if possible, to leather.
11. Put an air purifier and an ionizer in the room.
12. Do not clean the tray yourself, let someone who does not have allergies do it.
"In our medical center you can do cat allergy tests:
1. Recombinant household allergen e220 nFel d2 Cat serum albumin
2. Complete package ""Allergy to a cat"" (Total Ig E, Cat fur\ epithelium, serum, dandruff)
3. Monoallergens by the piece - IgE specific to cat fur / epithelium, serum, excrement.
4. Molecular package of allergens ""Cat"" (e94 rFel d1, Felis domisticus, e220 nFel d2, Felis domisticus serum albumin, e228 rFel d4, Felis domisticus lipocalin)
We do not charge for taking blood!
We take blood from a finger for children!