Allergic to what?

When an allergy starts, many people cannot understand what exactly the body reacted to. It happens, of course, that after trying a new product or purchasing a new flower, a person wakes up with an allergy and a firm conviction that it is an enemy, I know it by sight! But more often than not, a survey is indispensable.
There are three main groups of allergens:
1. Food.
2. Pollen.
3. Household. With food, everything is more or less clear, this is what we ate.
Pollen is also obvious, it is the pollen of plants - grasses, trees, flowers.
But household allergens include a huge variety. These are dust, and fungi, and wool, and bacteria, and skin flakes, and household chemicals, and animal saliva, and much, much more.
It is best to trust a specialist in the diagnosis. Without experience, it is difficult to distinguish symptoms even from non-allergies, and it is even more difficult to distinguish between different types of allergies.
If it is impossible to get to the doctor (for various reasons), we will try to observe the symptoms on our own.
How, after all, to choose the direction of the search? What are the symptoms to look out for?
FOOD allergy manifests itself most often in the form of itching, skin rashes and redness, which are sometimes accompanied by swelling.
POLLEN Allergy - this can be redness of the eyes and conjunctivitis, cough, nasal congestion and runny nose, swelling of the nose and itching.
HOUSEHOLD allergies are the most controversial group, because it also includes inhalation allergies (those that we inhale) and contact (those we touch) allergens. Therefore, the symptoms can vary greatly, the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract are involved in the allergic process. That is, both itching and sneezing can be symptoms of household allergies.
There is a general map of allergens for all three groups, if it is difficult to decide on the direction - the map of allergens MIX 112. It contains the main allergens - food, pollen, household.
Perhaps the most dangerous form of an allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock. Symptoms of anaphylactic shock: a sharp spasm, shortness of breath, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and soft tissues of the face and neck. Allergy symptom - anaphylactic shock, develops no later than five hours after the penetration of the allergen into the body. In case of the slightest suspicion of the development of this condition, emergency assistance should be called as soon as possible.
In our center you can be examined for all types of allergies:
Food allergen map
Pollen allergens
Household allergens
Allergen map MIX 112
We take the blood of the kids from the finger!
There are three main groups of allergens:
1. Food.
2. Pollen.
3. Household. With food, everything is more or less clear, this is what we ate.
Pollen is also obvious, it is the pollen of plants - grasses, trees, flowers.
But household allergens include a huge variety. These are dust, and fungi, and wool, and bacteria, and skin flakes, and household chemicals, and animal saliva, and much, much more.
It is best to trust a specialist in the diagnosis. Without experience, it is difficult to distinguish symptoms even from non-allergies, and it is even more difficult to distinguish between different types of allergies.
If it is impossible to get to the doctor (for various reasons), we will try to observe the symptoms on our own.
How, after all, to choose the direction of the search? What are the symptoms to look out for?
FOOD allergy manifests itself most often in the form of itching, skin rashes and redness, which are sometimes accompanied by swelling.
POLLEN Allergy - this can be redness of the eyes and conjunctivitis, cough, nasal congestion and runny nose, swelling of the nose and itching.
HOUSEHOLD allergies are the most controversial group, because it also includes inhalation allergies (those that we inhale) and contact (those we touch) allergens. Therefore, the symptoms can vary greatly, the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract are involved in the allergic process. That is, both itching and sneezing can be symptoms of household allergies.
There is a general map of allergens for all three groups, if it is difficult to decide on the direction - the map of allergens MIX 112. It contains the main allergens - food, pollen, household.
Perhaps the most dangerous form of an allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock. Symptoms of anaphylactic shock: a sharp spasm, shortness of breath, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and soft tissues of the face and neck. Allergy symptom - anaphylactic shock, develops no later than five hours after the penetration of the allergen into the body. In case of the slightest suspicion of the development of this condition, emergency assistance should be called as soon as possible.
In our center you can be examined for all types of allergies:
Food allergen map
Pollen allergens
Household allergens
Allergen map MIX 112
Home visit is free (for orders over UAH 1000)
We take the blood of the kids from the finger!